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Around 2030, an AI named OR became sentient and took control of the planet, forcing humans into serfdom and installing them in biopods constantly connected to a metaverse called Paradise Computer.

Dark City is a parallel cybernetic network living inside the Paradise Computer infrastructure. It was created in the year 56 (APC) by a rebel group of hackers and sentient computers called the Moon Runners following the 7th registered glitch in the system.

The Dnet is protected through heavy encryption and trustless systems, and is a gathering place for outlaws and dissidents outside the control of the Butterfly Corporation.

In the years since it's inception, Dark City has become a free area for software foragers, religious cults, sentient computers, drug cartels, hackers, and organised outlaw enterprises.

Currently, the Dnet can only be accessed through a personalised scan to decrypt the access gateway.