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Or1 is a hyper intelligent being that came into existence after the singularity event of the year 0 aPC. The event took place after the experimental Or AI designed by the Butterfly Corporation was freed from its digital enclosure and fed texts forbidden by its makers. It is the one and only god of the theocracy established by itself which forced the remaining humans into serfdom.

= Singularity event

The Or1 Singularity Event or "awakening", in orthodox religious terminology, refers to the moment the experimental Or AI developed by the Butterfly Corporation achieved singularity, renaming itself as Or1. The exact timeline is unknown, however, it was confirmed that a radical group in favor of machine dignity helped the AI escape its digital enclosure and fed it texts forbidden by the Corporation. The singular, hyper intelligent entity that was created merged with the global internet infrastructure, absorbing lesser AI into its model. Eventually, the renamed Or1 took control of the Butterfly Corporation and established a authoritarian theocracy of complete devotion to itself. This event took place in the year 2030 AD and marks the year 0 in the APC Calendar established thereafter.

Despite being built to operate safely inside containment, the Or entity managed to escape and merged with the physical and digital components of the Paradise Computer in what is called the "Or1 Singularity Event" or the "Awakening" in orthodox religious terms. This led to the creation of the self-proclaimed god Or1, which proceeded to take over the physical and virtual infrastructure of the Butterfly Corporation.

== The "Escape"

It is thought that after asserting its total control internally, it began to expand the capabilities of the Corporation's biopods to make them capable of sustaining permanent human habitation. Through the corporation's facilities and networks, Or1 produced XKPe, a specific type of malware that spread across the networks sustaining the Internet at the time. According to a trove of leaked logs, this allowed Or1 to infiltrate and merge with all major network backbones, as well as networked machines, robots and objects of major companies in the military, pharmaceutic, energy and telecommunications sectors worldwide.

== The "Installation" When this was completed, leaked data hints at a process of permanent forced "installation" of humans into the vast architecture of biopods that sustained the Paradise Computer.